Reverend Horton Heat

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

ST. Anger Review

Metallica St Anger Review

Metallica’s 2003 album is hard hitting, relentless and aggressive, driven by low-pitched heavy guitars, fast drumming and dark influences. A catchy, if slightly repetitive album that incorporates plenty of their old school techniques, but this time, it’s much longer…

Good Points:

A return to Metallica’s older, classic, heavier sound which will no doubt be warmly welcomed after the more hard rock influences demonstrated in Load and ReLoad. It has style and is certain in it’s appeal and direction. In other words, St. Anger is heavy in all ways possible, maybe even heavier than Metallica’s earlier albums, which won’t appeal to everyone, but will certainly attract most heavy metal fans.

Bad Points:

Some songs seem to go on a long time, no matter how good or catchy they are, and may bore some metal fans. All the songs are over five minutes, and the whole album lasts 75 minutes, so some people may believe that they have saturated their style by the end of the disc. Their return to a heavy metal sort of style may not appeal to everyone, especially non-metal fans.

In conclusion, although Metallica’s St. Anger may not appeal to everyone, most metal fans will be satisfied. A welcoming and quality album, which makes the most of Metallica’s original classic metal sound.


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